
Leadership Coaching

Executive leadership coaching program with focus on measuring and coaching leadership effectiveness.

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Leadership Coaching

Executive leadership coaching program with focus on measuring and coaching leadership effectiveness.

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Leadership effectiveness matters.

To achieve desired results and increase business performance in an organization, leadership is of the utmost importance.

Employees and organizations that invest in high-level creative and integral leadership gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

According to the Leadership Circle Profile (LCP), case studies show that approximately 80% of all workplace environments are operating from a reactive state of leadership, while only 20% are functioning as a creative leadership advantage (Mastering Leadership, Robert Anderson, William Adams). 

Keith Macpherson offers an executive leadership coaching program with focus on using the LCP Structure (Leadership Circle Profile). The aim of the program is to increase over-all leadership effectiveness, communication and culture within the organization and its individuals

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"Keith's fresh, fun, dynamic delivery style and sense of humour kept us totally engaged. We went away with simple tools to help us gain an increased sense of focus, to realize improved awareness on how to be more mindful and to practically utilize this in our daily lives. Most of all - how important “Jumping out of the Jar” is!"

Janet Hill

SVP, Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.

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"I have had the pleasure of working with Keith Macpherson for a number of years as he has presented at several of our GoodLife Fitness Health and Wellness Leadership Summits across the country. Keith is a professional in every sense of the word and a fantastic person! His presentations are authentic, engaging, inspiring and consistently deliver value that often exceeds the expectations of his audience. He has a special ability to present the topic of mindfulness in a way that equips leaders with practical tools to inspire the best versions of themselves and their workplaces!"

Joseph Khoja

Manager, Good Life Fitness Health and Wellness Summit

Ready to build better leaders?

In order to build effective and creative leaders within the organization and grow the current company culture, the following services are offered:

Individual Assessments and Debriefs


Effective leaders outperform ineffective leaders every time. Developing effective leaders within any organization starts with giving each leader a comprehensive and easy to understand picture of how their closest coworkers currently experience their leadership. A true breakthrough among 360 degree assessments, the Leadership Circle Profile provides the picture better than any other instrument available today. The survey is administered online and is the first to connect competencies with the underlying and motivating habits of thought. It reveals the relationship between patterns of action and internal assumptions that drive behaviour.

Ultimately, the comprehensive results provided by the Leadership Circle Profile quickly and clearly highlight how improvement in one or two leadership qualities can have an exponential impact on the leader’s effectiveness.

The Leadership Circle Profile assessment will survey each leader’s boss (boss’s boss is optional), peers, direct reports and others about their perception of the individual’s leadership. It’s a powerful insight that provides the whole picture of a leader.

The Leadership Circle Profile measures two crucial leadership domains – Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. Ratings for each leader on competencies and tendencies are reported in terms of their comparison to a global statistical database.


One on One Leadership Coaching and Development

(per Individual Leader)

Keith Macpherson offers ongoing leadership coaching and development at the individual level. As part of their ongoing coaching, leaders will identify those areas for development that will have the greatest impact on their leadership and then craft an individual Leadership Development Plan.

The basic concept of Keith Macpherson’s leadership coaching is that people have the power to create their lives to be consistent with their vision. The process starts with creating a vision. This typically involves objectives that reach into both the leader’s business and personal environments. The coaching process helps individuals become clear on the current reality.  

Progressive Team Development and Group Facilitation

Keith Macpherson offers group coaching sessions to work with leadership teams on specified objectives. Together with Keith, the leadership team will explore and discuss how they are showing up collectively. They will compare the current reality with the desired future state and will commit to actions to close this gap. This process will help map a course for the kind of culture that will contribute positively to the ambitious objectives of the company.


Through organizational leadership coaching, it is expected that the following outcomes will be achieved:

  • An elevated collective vision and cohesiveness among the team.
  • Personal leadership growth for all members of the team.
  • Improved and increased effective communication among team members.
  • Direct positive impact on leadership effectiveness for the entire company.
  • A clearer understanding of how to engage with the company vision, mission, and values.
  • A stronger awareness of company’s future vision and growth plan.
  • Ultimately, an increase in over-all business performance within the company.